One of the many problems with dating today is figuring out what to talk about. Most people are so accustomed to using social media that they’ve forgotten how to talk face-to-face.
That doesn’t mean you’re left to your own devices. There are tips and tricks you can try to keep a conversation going.
Keep It Light
A first date isn’t the time to talk about all your hopes and dreams. It’s a time to get to know each other to see if you or they want a second date. That means that you stick to the basics of the conversation, at least at first.
Ask your date more about their job and tell them about yours. You can spice it up if an opportunity arises by asking an interesting question like “what is the one thing you would like to change about what you do?”
Ask Questions
It is rude to talk about yourself, so focus on them. Ask your date questions about where they are originally from, their family, and their interests. However, be careful you aren’t sounding like a quiz machine that is checking off answers on a list.
Find Mutual Interests
There have to be some mutual interests for you to go out with them. Something attracted you to them and vice versa. You may have to dig to find out more common elements. This can be hobbies, travel, or music. Show respect for their tastes, even if they are different.
The Don’ts
The old adage of avoiding talk about religion or politics holds true, at least for the first date. There may be some occasions where you know both of you will agree on a subject like you meet in church, and then talking about it is fine. However, you should avoid any divisive subjects until you know them better.
Dating should be fun and it can be pleasurable. The secret is treating the other person with respect and giving them a chance. It may take some time for either or both of you to open up but a few conversation starters will help.