Grooming can feel like an endless chore, especially for men with excessively fast-growing hair. But regular maintenance is necessary to look (and smell!) attractive and professional, not to mention that some types of grooming—such as brushing and flossing—can keep your mouth, gums and heart healthy! Brush up on some basic tips to help you looking and feeling your best.
Having a signature cologne is nice because you only need to invest in one quality bottle. But don’t be afraid to experiment with different scents. The key to wearing cologne is to remember that less is always more. Nothing scares away potential mates—or clients—like a cloud of perfume after you leave the room.
Unwanted hair
Your ears, nose, and back are no place for excess hair. Invest in a good trimmer or get your hair professionally waxed to keep the werewolf look at bay. Monobrows are not a good look on anyone, but neither are over-groomed brows. If you have a mustache and/or beard, keep it trimmed and neat. No one likes a neckbeard!
Teeth and gums
As an adult, you’ve got no excuse not to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once. Mouthwash alone isn’t enough to cover the stench of funky breath so don’t even try to pull it off. Keep a spare toothbrush, toothpaste, and sugarless minty gum at work for touch-ups before meetings or after a particularly garlic-rich lunch.
If you’ve got medium-length hair, schedule a cut for at least once a month. Short hair should be trimmed even more regularly. Don’t let dandruff distract from your looks; invest in a good dandruff shampoo and styling products that don’t make it worse.
Your nether regions
Daily showers (or twice a day if you work out) will help keep your man parts smelling good while also reducing acne and cysts from built-up sweat. Flushable wipes can add an extra sense of cleanliness after you do your business and a dusting of powder can help keep your crotch dry. Don’t be afraid to do a little manscaping on the privates.
A good skincare routine isn’t just relegated to women. Wash your face in the morning and before bed if you’re not showering to get rid of oily deposits, sweat, and dirt. Invest in a good exfoliator for men and use a moisturizer that’s specifically made for the face (typically labeled “non-comedogenic” because it doesn’t clog pores). If you’re out in the sun at all, choose a moisturizer with a sunscreen.