People who are dating are meeting a variety of people.
It’s challenging to figure out who is being honest and who is someone you should avoid.
It becomes more problematic when people are good at hiding issues.
Even with that, there are red flags to let you know the person you are dating has mental issues.
That doesn’t mean you should dump them but you should be aware of the complications it presents.
Some of the mental behaviors should also be a bridge too far for you because of emotional and physical safety issues.
Four key points should raise concerns for you.
They may come across as subtle and you may even give your date a pass but you should see it as a warning if it happens multiple times.
1. They put you down.
This is especially bad if it happens publicly but someone who is constantly pointing out your flaws privately is someone that potentially has mental issues.
It means they want to lower your worth for some reason, usually to raise their own.
You should never be made to feel “less than.”
That shows the other person has some serious control issues and wants you to be under their thumb.
You don’t want to live a lifetime of that.
2. They gaslight you.
This is when your date insists that what you know to be true isn’t true.
It’s a way to manipulate you to make you feel like you’re crazy.
It makes you question everything you see and believe.
Gaslighting someone shows an intense need for control and meanness.
It can also show narcissistic behavior.
3. They show a lack of responsibility.
Someone that is regularly blaming others for their problems shows a possible narcissistic personality as well as a juvenile way of thinking.
In the end, they will end up blaming you for their life if you don’t give them everything they want.
4.They get angry fast.
Anyone who has explosive outbursts or moves from happiness to rage quickly shows they can’t constructively manage their emotions.
They can be scary to be around and could put you in danger if you rage at someone on the road or in public.