Many think being a gentleman while dating is outdated.
However, women who are surveyed state that chivalrous men are naturally more attractive.
Being a gentleman goes beyond opening doors, although that is part of it.
It is treating a woman like she is special. Rightfully, she is special.
Otherwise, you wouldn’t have asked her out.
So what does it take to be a gentleman?
Here is a look at six habits gentlemen have.
Make Plans
A gentleman always plans out the date.
Whether it’s a picnic in the park or reservations at a club, it is up to the man to both plan the date,
make reservations, and pay.
Failing to do so shows her that she really isn’t that important to you.
Be On Time
This is one of those things that, again, shows her how special she is.
Failing to show up on time indicates to her that she doesn’t matter much to you.
Go To Her Door To Pick Her Up
Don’t wait in the car and, for goodness sake, don’t honk the car.
You should always go to the door to escort her to the car.
Open her car door too. Open all doors for her..
Stand Up To Greet Her
This may seem like an old-fashioned rule but you should stand up to greet her if meeting her somewhere.
Also, stand up when she gets up from the table to go to the bathroom and when she returns.
Know When To Lead and When To Follow
This can be a little complicated because it depends on the place.
She should go first behind the hostess to be seated in a restaurant.
However, the man is supposed to lead the way in crowded places to clear a path and protect her.
Additional rules about who goes first include that she is supposed to order her meal first.
Look Her In The Eye
Maintaining eye contact isn’t just a sign of being a gentleman.
It’s ultra-sexy to women.
They know you like them if you look them in the eye while talking with them.
Men in recent years have tossed the gentleman’s rulebook aside for more casual relationships but doing so thwarts long-term relationships.
Women like it when men treat them like ladies. It is the ultimate turn-on.
So get going on those gentlemen skills