Lifestyle Dating

6 Dating Tips To Meet Someone During a Pandemic

Even under the best of circumstances, dating can be awkward. Putting yourself out there is never easy, but when you add in masks, infection rates, cross-contamination, vaccines, and other accoutrements to the pandemic game, it becomes even more problematic.

Meet Virtually First

Especially if you met over a dating app or do not know your proposed date well, meet your date over Zoom at first so you get a sense of who he/she is, and unfortunately, this also includes their viewpoints on the pandemic. Knowing some of your new date’s theories on pandemic safety will help you know if your values add up in this difficult time.

Kiss and Tell (Or Should We Say Tell Then Kiss)

Although everyone loves a romantic story, where you are both breathless and lean in for your first heart-stopping kiss together, in the midst of Covid-19, you need to talk about this first. Although you cannot ask someone to sign an affidavit that they have quarantined for the last 14 days, you should at least get their view of things before you swap spit.

Use Protection

No, not that kind of protection. (Although that would be a good idea when the time comes.) In times of pandemic, make sure you wear your mask, try to meet outside, and endlessly sanitize your hands. 

Keep Your Bubble Small

The fewer people you interact with, the safer you will be. So if you want to get closer to a new date, protect him or her by keeping your other interactions on the low down.

Consider Transmission Rates in your Area

Depending on the number of cases in your area, you might want to loosen up or tighten up your situation with a new love interest. If the spread is bad, stick with Zoom. If the numbers are more reasonable, you may want to venture into a closer zone. 

Keep the Dialogue Going

If all goes well and you have multiple dates, keep talking as things progress. As  NBC News says, “Don’t be afraid to ask your date those harder-hitting pandemic-related questions,” added Sullivan. “Remind them how serious you are taking your own safety and establish an early foundation of mutual respect.”

Although this is a difficult time in which to launch a new relationship, there is definitely a positive to it. All that talking will build a solid foundation of understanding each other and communicating. And that is great for any relationship!

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