Lifestyle Dating

5 First Date Tips For Men from Women

Finding a partner isn’t easy, especially in a COVID world where you’re pickier about in-person meetings. When you’re ready to go out on a first date, there are a few things that women want you to know before go. Here are a few tips to help your first date go smoothly:

Don’t get handsy

The first date isn’t the time to go overboard in the touching department. If a guy gets too handsy, women assume that you’re trying to speed the date along with hopes of landing in the bedroom. Show some restraint and keep the touching to small, light touches that are friendlier in nature.

Don’t dominate the conversation

When you’re on a date, the conversation should be a two-way street. You shouldn’t spend the majority of the time talking about yourself and you shouldn’t just sit there either. You need to be an active participant, not a dominate one.

Chivalry isn’t dead

Women aren’t looking for men to take care of their every need, heck, you don’t even have to pick up the bill. But, don’t forget your manners. Open a door and keep your phone in your pocket, for instance.

Put some effort into your appearance

You don’t have to break out a suit for a first date, but you should look like you put in some effort. Take some time to clean up, pick something nice to wear, and do your hair. If you’re sporting facial hair, trim it up too.

Offer a complement

When you arrive on your date, offer a complement – something kind and polite. Complement her outfit, for example, but don’t say you something offensive like, “You look so hot we can skip dinner.”

With these five tips you’ll be ready for a great first date. And how knows, these tips could just land you date number two.

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