Lifestyle Dating

Male texting on phone

5 Dating Truths for Men

Lack of communication leads to conflict between men and women but men also want to be understood. It’s just that they are scared to freak women out if ever they speak about what’s going on inside their heads.

Here are 5 dating truths for men that they wish they knew about dating and relationships:

1. If you don’t improve yourself, you will never find the right person for you

Love yourself first. Always do something that will improve your lifestyle. If your past relationships have
complained about the same habit that at the back of your mind you know is not good for you, then now is the right time to do something about it.

2. When someone likes you, they always want to see you

Women may seem clingy at times especially the ones who make a big deal out of small things such as not
replying to her texts or not answering their calls.

3. There is no way to stop your partner from cheating on you

It’s not your fault. But this tip does not mean that you should be paranoid and guarded all the time. It’s just a fact about a few people and we just want you to be reminded and at the same time not be hard on yourself if you ever experienced being cheated on.

4. The perfect person you put on a pedestal is not so perfect

Putting someone on a pedestal will only hurt both parties in the end. Why? Because you will find out that that person is not who you thought to be and on the other hand she’s heartbroken because of the fact that you’re disappointed in how and what she really is.

5. Your ex doesn’t always want to get back together

Even if she’s still messaging you, still reacting to your posts, and sounding clingy whenever you bump into each other, don’t take those actions as little hints that she wants you back.

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