Everyone on the dating scene wants to be more attractive.
Yet, not as many actually do anything about it.
Yet, there are some simple things you can do to make yourself more attractive to the opposite sex.
One of the key components of being attractive is taking the time and effort to change a few things.
It may not take a lot of effort but it will take some.
That is especially true if you have a crush on someone you perceive to “be out of your league.”
It’s time to step up your game.
Here are four ways to become more attractive.
1. Be available.
This doesn’t just mean having a free Saturday night.
This means being willing to accept others, open up to others, and allowing others to open up to you.
It’s allowing yourself to be vulnerable.
2. Take action to meet others.
This doesn’t just mean going to a party or event.
Taking action also doesn’t involve an act of desperation.
It is boldly shaking someone’s hand at a party and telling them you are thrilled to meet them and hope the two of you can talk sometime.
3. Look them square in the eye.
This doesn’t mean giving them an intense, hard look.
It means to stand squarely in front of them and look at their eyes while they are talking.
This shows interest and availability.
4. Smile during the conversation.
Smiling is attractive! Smiling also subconsciously gives up power so it draws people in.
Just make sure the smile is real so they know you are real!
The best time to smile is right after you are introduced to someone.
It’s as if hearing their name made you happy and they will pick up on that.
Making a few adjustments in how you approach people will instantly make you more attractive.
This will help them remember you and want to learn more about you too.