Older people want to find love. Some have love and lost in the death of a spouse while others have gone through divorce. There is a growing number of older people who have never been married but that doesn’t mean they are uninterested in the idea.
Yet, these daters say it’s tougher than ever to build a romantic relationship when you are over 50 years old. Mental and relationship experts explain 4 reasons why dating after age 40 is hard.
Confidence is down
Aging plays tricks on the mind. Most people never expected to be dating in their 50s, or ever again after
marriage. They look different than when they dated in their 20s and don’t play flirtatious games anymore. All of that may wear on confidence.
Dating is different now
Dating isn’t the same as it was 30 years ago. There are dating apps, websites, and technology like email,
texting and social media. Many people over 50 feel uncomfortable using all these things to find someone to go out with. There are also safety concerns regarding using tech.
You have a past
Most people over 50 have had other partners, either in marriage or long-term relationships. That means you have a history that seeps into your feelings about relationships. Those who had a good marriage may feel nothing can be that good again while those who had a bitter divorce or never married may believe finding love is like capturing a unicorn.
You are set in your ways
This is the most common reason why it’s challenging for those over 50 to date. Most people have a set
lifestyle they enjoy when they reach that age and it’s harder for them to compromise like they did in their 20s. That includes everything from the type of food they like to their nightly bedtime routine. A new partner means adjustments.
While dating may feel more complicated when you are over 50 years old, it really isn’t. It’s the process of
getting to know someone and finding out if you like them and if they like you. Enjoy the moment without
thinking too hard about dating.