
4 Tips On Setting The Mood The Psychology Behind The Female Mind- Written By An Actual Female


So here you are, sitting online and wondering what would be the best way to set the mood with your lady. Maybe you haven’t had luck in the past, but the more likely scenario is that you are overthinking it. Women are not too complicated. But it is easy to overthink what the right thing to do maybe. Take a deep breath, relax, and keep on reading so I can give you a couple of simple tips to set the mood


Play It Old School, Be A Gentlemen

While every woman is different and does not necessarily feel like they need the door opened for them, we like our partner to be kind. Simple, right? You know your partner more than anyone. If she gets pink in the cheeks when you open the car door for her- do that. If she feels loved and appreciated when you decide to do the dishes that night and take it off her hands- do that.

Sometimes it is easy to get stuck in your head and forget to do the most simple things, kind words, and manners. Sometimes the smallest gestures can make the most significant difference in getting her in the mood. 


Let’s Talk About Sex Baby!

Alright, now, we have to keep in mind through this whole read that you have to take these tips and apply them to your lady in a way that makes sense. There are women out there that love the dirty, nitty-gritty late night naughty talk, and then some who just like a little flirting here and there. The next time you and your partner go out, talk the word if you will. Once you are in a relationship with your girl, that should not mean that the work to win her over stops. Flirt with her.

How long has it been since you have flirted with her and made her blush in public?

Think about that question; if the answer is more than a few days, then you might want to bring this back into your routine. A little naughty talk in public can be a huge turn on and an excellent way to create some anticipation later on that night. 


Slow It Down, Take Your Time!

It is so common that we get so stuck in the routine of our sex lives that we go through the steps without even thinking about what you’re doing, usually ending in intimate time ending a lot faster than you wanted. No matter who your lady maybe, slowing it down and adding more foreplay will never be the wrong answer. Relearn her body, make her feel feminine and sexy, and wanted.

Ask her questions, see what she wants you to do, and maybe try to add something new into the mix. Take your time, bring in some toys, maybe turn on some mood music and dim the lights. Make her feel like she is the sexiest woman on the planet and that you have nothing on your mind besides her.


Tell Her How You Feel

If I could give you one last piece of advice, it would be this- remind her of how you feel. It is so easy to get lost in the mundaneness of life and work and blah blah blah… That sometimes you might forget to tell her that you love her. Let me ask you this if I offered to give you $100, if you could honestly tell me that you told your partner that she looked beautiful today- would you win the money?

If not, how long has it been? This may sound like a silly question but think about it. If you haven’t already figured this out, women think.

We think A LOT. Maybe it hasn’t crossed your mind that you haven’t told her you to love her in a while, but I guarantee that she knows, and she feels it. It does get us in the mood and the right mindset for some sexy time when we are reassured that we are loved and wanted. 

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