Lifestyle Fashion

Man buttoning up blue suit

3 Reasons a Tailored Suit Brings Men Success 

Modern society is highly casual now but there is still an attraction to a man in a suit. Many reasons exist for that but the fact is that a man in a suit attracts attention. Here are five reasons why wearing a suit will bring you luck in both business and love.

1.  A Suit Stands Out

Many men opt for casual wear over a suit but a suit shows you are more detailed. Most still associate men’s suits with highly successful, powerful men. Whenever a man in a suit walks into an office, everyone knows something is going down. Suits equate to power. 

2. A Suit Boosts Confidence

It takes a certain amount of confidence to wear a suit. A suit, if worn well, can showcase confidence and personality.

3. Women Find Suits Sexy

A certain population of the female demographic find men in suits highly attractive. Even in this ultra-casual world, studies find that more women prefer men in suits than in casual wear. 

Some of the reasons for women love men in suits include:

  • They emit success. 
  • It displays power. 
  • Men in suits show social or monetary status. 

Another factor is a good suit can showcase a man’s body, but you have to pick the right suit for that to happen. 

Picking the Right Suit

It’s important to pick a suit that has a timeless look. It is more important to have a suit that is altered to fit your body. This is how a suit shows off all the right assets. 

This is demonstrated in the television show White Collar the main character wears nice suits with a “rat pack” vibe that fit him perfectly. He always attracts the ladies. 

You may not need or want to wear a suit every day. However, wearing a nice, tailored suit on special occasions or board presentations will give you the look you need to persuade others to your cause.

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