Hi, my name is Bryan Bryks and I’m 27 years old! Growing up I was always the small kid, the late bloomer! Being so small all the time I had these insecurities that took a toll on my self-esteem and confidence. After high school because of these insecurities, I fell in love with bodybuilding and lifting. Being so young and nieve I tried every “get big fast ” scheme I could find. I dove in headfirst. I tried every workout routine I could find on the internet and at first, I managed to get those “beginner gains”. However as fast as they came they stopped. So I tried creatine and weight gainer shakes but nothing really seemed to work. This lead me to really dive deep and learn more about different training styles, different body types, the way the body moves and works, and how nutrition plays a huge role in the body. I learned that my form was way out of wack, I wasn’t training to my body style ( ectomorph ) and that I wasn’t properly fueling my body for optimal growth. Learning that I’m an ectomorph really helped my progression with strength and size. We as ectomorphs typically need more rest than others and a 2 on 1 off schedule worked best with a higher caloric intake for myself. Once I was able to gain this knowledge I was also able to help other people at the gym, my friends, and my family as well. I’ve been lifting now for 8 years, consistently the last 4. It’s been a tough road but very rewarding. I enjoy everything from hot yoga, powerlifting, organized sports, and more. Living an active life is very important for both my physical and mental health. Without it, I’m not me!