Fitness Yoga

Relieving Constipation With Yoga

Most people don’t think of yoga as a way to relieve constipation, but there are some pieces of research that indicate yoga can be helpful. That’s because certain postures can manipulate your digestive tract, which, in turn, may help you pass gas or stool.

Here are some poses that are worth trying. 

  1. Cobra

This is a simple pose that doesn’t require any twisting. Simply lie on your stomach and place your palms on the floor on the side next to your shoulders. Tighten your leg muscles and your abs and lift your head slightly as you curl your neck backward. Press your hands to the floor and lift your shoulder and upper body up. Hold the position for several breaths. Lower your body back to the floor and repeat. 

  1. Wind-relieving pose

Lie on your back and pull your knees to your chest. Place your hands on (or around) your shins and tuck your chin to your chest. Press your back into the floor and hold the pose for a few breaths. Release and return to lying on your back. Repeat. 

  1. Adamant Pose

Kneel on a yoga mat or soft surface. Keep your toes and knees touching but spread your heels apart and sit in the gap between your heels. Keep your back straight and rest your hands on your lap. Hold for as long as you are comfortable. 

  1. Supine Spinal Twist

Lie flat on your back on a yoga mat or soft surface. Move your arms out to the sides to form a T with your body. Place your palms so they are facing down. Bend your left knee and drop the bent leg over the straight leg while keeping your shoulders flat on the floor. Hold for a few breaths, release, and then repeat on the opposite side.

Remember never to push yourself too hard. Yoga is meant to be a gradual practice.

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