Fitness Workout Routines

5 Tips to Stick with a Workout Routine

There are some people who seem born with the drive to work out, but many others need a little motivation. Whether you’re tired of doing the same old routine or are in one of those “I don’t feel up to it” moods, here are some tips to get yourself moving again:

1. Focus on going to work out, not the workout itself

Don’t think about the need to run three miles or having to burn a certain number of calories. Just focus on going. Once you’re there, you can decide how much effort you want to put in. For most people, putting in the effort isn’t the problem – it’s just getting started.

2. Don’t be hard on yourself

It’s important to set fitness goals, but remember to be easy on yourself. The point of working out is to stay healthy, and you’re putting in the effort. Accomplishing goals will come, but you have to be patient.

3. You’re not alone

The inability to find motivation is a problem everyone faces, even the toned, weight-lifters at the gym. It’s okay that you don’t feel up to working out. There’s nothing wrong with you.

4. Opt for easier

If you’re struggling to work out, pick an easier workout. Rather than going for a run, take a walk. If you usually start hammering it hard on the Elliptical, ride the bike as a warm instead. Start slow and ease into the workout.

5. Don’t compare yourself to others

Fitness is a personal journey. You shouldn’t compare yourself to others. Still, it’s not easy to see someone at the gym or running around the neighborhood with toned biceps and think, “Ugh, that will never be me.” While it’s hard to avoid this kind of thinking, you have to put those thoughts aside and celebrate your victories.

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