Fitness Workout Routines

5 Best Pre-Workout Snacks for Men

We’ll be discussing some of the best snacks to eat before hitting the gym. If you’re looking for something healthy and nutritious, or something that will give you a quick burst of energy, we’ve got you covered.

Unveil the top 5 secrets for the most nutritious pre-workout snacks today.

1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal allows you to increase energy levels without feeling overly full. To pump up its carbohydrate content further, mix in banana slices or dried fruit into the dish.

2. Peanut butter and apple

Spice up the classic apple and peanut butter combo with some raisins and chia seeds. Grab an apple and some peanut butter. For added convenience, store jars of your favorite nut butter in your gym bag so you can munch on them while heading to indoor cycling class.

3. Baked broccoli with cheese

Omelets can be filled with delicious vegetables, and if you’re looking to indulge a little bit, why not add some cheese? This baked style makes it effortless to portion out snacks in small sizes.

4. Smoothies

Have you heard that your muscles are composed of an astounding 75 percent water? That’s more than any other part of the human body, so before engaging in physical activity be sure to hydrate. For a tasty treat try drinking a small fruit smoothie, one scrumptious way to get prepped for your workout.

5. Fresh fruits

Whether you’re on the go or packing your gym bag, apples, bananas and oranges are great grab and go snacks to keep your energy levels up.

Why eating before work is important

Eating before exercising will provide your muscles with the proper nutrients they need to remain strong and healthy.

It will give muscles and organs the fuel they need to stay healthy and perform at their highest level. When done properly, eating before a workout can actually improve exercise performance by boosting strength,
endurance, and overall energy levels.

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