Fitness Workout Routines

Two women pushing weights in gym

3 Reasons Why You Need a Workout Buddy

Are you bored working out alone every day? Feeling like you want to throw it all in and just sleep late? Find yourself a sweat partner who can be not only your motivation and inspiration but your comrade.

You’ll motivate each other

You’ll have a better chance of getting up early in the morning to exercise when you know you have a buddy waiting for you at the gym.

Research completed on this idea shows that it’s a fact. Bradon Irwin, a Kansas State University researcher, explained “This might be because those who believed they were exercising with a partner built a rapport over time and didn’t want to let the partner down.”

“The team was initially surprised at the drastic increase over time in participants working out with a teammate.”

You can push each other during a tough workout. Try challenging each other to a one arm hanging flutter kicks or plank jacks contest. Before you know it, your workout will be over. 

You’ll build social connections

Training with a buddy can give you a feeling of belonging. Once you have found a group of friends who work out together, you’ll benefit from the group interactions such as cheering and sharing in each other’s successes. 

These bonds can lead to your whole group entering a race or a CrossFit game together. Working side by side for this event is a benefit because you all feel comfortable working out together and striving for your team goals. 

You’ll lower your risk of injury

Your workout partner can spot you when you are weight training especially when you’re completing your military press or your barbell back squat. Your partner is there to make sure you do the lift correctly and keep you safe. 

To find a workout buddy, check with your friends, ask co-workers, and see what group activities your gym offers. 

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