Fitness Stretching

Stretches for a Tight Calf Muscle

If you’ve got a tight calf muscle and need some good stretches, check out this list of options to try before your next workout.

  1. The towel stretch

Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front. Grasping both ends of a hand towel (not a full-size bath towel), toss the center of the towel around the ball of one foot. Keeping your back straight, gently pull the towel toward your body while keeping the legs straight. Hold for 30 seconds then rest for an additional 30 seconds. Repeat twice then switch legs.

  1. The calf raise

Using a chair back, table or counter for balance, put all your body weight on one foot. Bend the other leg and lift it off the ground. Raise the heel of the weighted foot as high as possible, then lower it. Repeat 10 times then switch legs.

  1. The wall stretch

Standing arm’s length from a wall, place both hands on the wall. Keep one leg forward and bent while straightening the back leg and pressing the heel of the back leg into the floor. Hold for 15 seconds and then switch sides.

  1. Heel cord stretch

Standing arm’s length from a wall, place both hands on the wall. Keep one leg forward and point the toes on that foot inward a little. Slightly bend the knee of the back leg with the toes of that foot pointed inward a little. Make sure both heels stay flat and press your hips toward the wall. Hold for 30 seconds then switch sides. Ideally, you want to keep your hips centered over both feet. 

  1. Dorsiflexion stretch

Sit on the floor and put both legs out in front. Using an elastic stretch band, put one end around one of your feet and the other around the leg of a heavy table. Pull your toes on the foot with the band toward your body and then return them to their original position. Repeat 10 times and then change the band to the other foot.

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