Fitness Stretching

Hurt Your Tailbone? Try These Stretches

Injuring your tailbone—from a fall or exercise—can be incredibly painful. The pain, which is caused by inflammation from a fracture or injury—is called “coccydinia,” and it can make sitting down, walking, running or even going to the bathroom excruciating. But there are stretches you can do to help alleviate some of the pain.

  1. Glute stretch

(Skip this pose, which is designed to open the hips, if you have knee issues.) Start on all fours with your hands shoulder distance apart, slightly in front of the shoulders. Bring one knee forward between your hands so the heel of your foot points toward the opposite hip bone. Keep the other leg straight back behind you. Gently lower your torso forward and hold for 30 seconds. Switch sides and repeat.

  1. Knee hug

Lie on your back with your feet out straight. Bend one kneed toward your chest, pulling it into your chest with your arms. Hold for 30 seconds, switch sides and repeat.

  1. Kneel and twist

Kneel upright and slide one foot out so your knee creates a 90-degree angle in front of your body. The shin and knee of the other leg should be on the ground. Raise your arms out to the sides, about shoulder height. Rotate your torso slowly toward one side so your arms are parallel with your legs. Return to center and rotate to the other side. Do each side 5 times. Don’t push yourself! If you feel pain when rotating, don’t go any farther.

  1. Kneeling psoas stretch

Kneel upright on the floor and slide one leg forward so your knee is bent and your foot is flat on the floor, creating a 90-degree angle with your thigh and shin. Put your hands on your hips and tuck the pelvis under. Lean forward slightly and hold for about 30 seconds. Switch legs and repeat.

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