Fitness Running

Man on treadmill running

Running Can Help Those with Lung Diseases

People with lung problems like COPD think they shouldn’t run.

After all, they have a hard tie breathing anyway.

They think running would make it worse. Not true. 

Running helps those with COPD improve lung function. 

There are some solid reasons why those facing certain lung problems should run. 

1. It makes you stronger. 

Running improves your muscular strength and that means your body won’t need as much oxygen to function.

That reduces the impact on your lungs, helping them also function better. 

2. It helps your mental health. 

Exercise is a great asset to overall health and that reduces the energy your body requires in different stress points.

That energy can not be used by your lungs to improve function. 

What If I Just Can’t Run?

No one expects you to start out running a marathon but you can get started with some basic exercises and build up to running as your doctor sees fit. 

Begin with stretching. 

Stretching does a lot for the body with little to no impact on the lungs. It opens up blood vessels, improves circulation, and can even build strength.

Be sure to breathe nice and steady while you do it. 

Start walking. 

Walking is a great way to build up endurance for a run because you can start at your pace, set goals and control your breathing.

Set a time to do it every day but start with a slower pace that is a short distance. Be sure to take a friend with you. 


Those with lung issues don’t have to give up exercise.

Their ailments can be better controlled if they participate in exercises like running.

Running helps the body breathe in and strengthens the lungs.

Just be sure to discuss it with your doctor first. 

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