Fitness Running

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Keep Running In Your Holiday Plans

Many people slack off on running during the holiday season. It’s a busy time of year anyway and many want to enjoy some time off of focusing on health to enjoy the food and festivities. However, that will lead to both packing on the pounds and making it harder to get back into a running routine afterward.

How to keep running during the holidays

The secret to maintaining your holiday running is a plan. Beyond that, here are four things you can do to keep it going.

Plan ahead for your runs

It gets crazy during the holidays and schedules are all over the plan. Those who plan ahead for their runs will be more likely to keep them in the mix. Look at your schedule for the week ahead and carve out time to run. It may not be your normal time but that’s okay. It’s still time.

Focus on maintenance

Many people start running to get into better shape. It’s a constant goal. However, that is an unrealistic one during the holiday season. Trying to get into better shape while eating sausage balls and red velvet cake is going to discourage you. You may just give up when you still gain some weight.

Keep the idea of maintaining a healthy body. You need to run so you don’t gain so much weight. Expect to gain some but see running as keeping it to a minimum. Approach your goals that way. It’s to improve your heart, circulation, and emotional mindset rather than body image.

Use it as a getaway

Running can be a great excuse to get away from the visiting in-laws for a few minutes. It can boost your mood and prevent depression, making it a great exercise for the holiday season.

Visiting family and dealing with holiday stress gets many people down. Use running to offset all the emotional ups and downs and keep balance in your life. Once you see it that way, it becomes a holiday necessity.

Make it a family event

The holidays can be a great time to introduce your family to running. The kids are home and your spouse needs some fresh air. It can be a good chance to bond and get rid of pent-up energy. Getting your family’s support will motivate you too.


You don’t have to forego running during the holidays. It can become one of your favorite things to do during this time if you rework it a little bit to include it as part of your holiday routines.

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