Fitness Running

Runners running marathon

How to Prepare for an UltraMarathon

Training for your first UltraMarathon is going to take a lot of guts.

It requires motivation, a desire to accomplish a feat that not all people can attempt, and it requires you to have the physical ability to do so.

Narrowing things down, you need motivation and a strong body to withstand running long distances for
several hours.

However, anything is possible if you do the right preparations.

We prepared the best training plan for you to prepare for something that not all people can even attempt, so make sure you follow it religiously.

UltraMarathon training plan

6 months of training is the bare minimum to get yourself ready for an UltraMarathon.

And depending on your running experience, it can go longer.

Before starting this training, you should be able to run for about an hour and increase your total distance by 5% or more each week.

First 2 months

The early stages will focus on increasing your mileage by doing easy and long runs.

The training should not be so intense, since you don’t want to hurt yourself, so make sure you use these first two months in running slower but increasing the distance.

Month 3 and 4

At this next phase, you want to continue building up your mileage by doing easy runs and long runs.

But this time, you will add one speed run per week to build up your speed, and one hill run to increase strength.

Month 5 to 6

Now that you have a good foundation of strength, speed, and endurance, it’s time to put them to the test by adding train runs and back-to-back long runs.

1 week before race day

You should go a little bit easy on the training by decreasing your weekly runtime by 25% to reduce the injury risks before the big day.

Use your recovery time to focus and build up your mindset to complete this incredible feat.

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