Fitness Running

Male athlete holding cramping leg

How to Avoid Cramps When Running

Getting runners’ cramps when running is common, especially for beginners.

However, you can learn to prevent it from happening and learn how to act quickly when you feel it strike.

But before you can learn how to prevent cramps, you must know the origin of each type.

There are different types of cramps you may experience when running, such as side cramps, stomach cramps, and muscle cramps.

Side cramps or stitches

These cramps strike you in the side or the lower abdominal area.

It is primarily caused by shallow breathing or not breathing deeply using the lower lung.

Studies suggest that side cramps affect beginners more than veteran runners, because their body is used to the activity and their lungs naturally shift to lower lung breathing.

You can also practice breathing deeply by putting your hand on your stomach and try to breathe.

You will know when you are breathing deeply when your stomach rises and falls as you breathe.

Muscle cramps

Muscle cramps happen from the legs, and it is caused by dehydration.

The best way to prevent muscle cramps is to drink enough water, especially when running longer distances.

Stomach cramps

Stomach cramps also relate to the way you breathe.

However, some muscle cramps occur because of something you ate or drank before running.

It could also be caused by eating and drinking too much before running.

You can avoid stomach cramps when you get used to running over time and by not consuming too much solid and liquid before running.

What to do when experiencing cramps

The first thing you need to do when you experience cramps is to relax and breathe.

Next, you can stretch your legs or massage the affected area if you are experiencing stomach or side cramps.

Drinking water and applying an ice pack on the affected area will help your muscles relax.

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