Some aging adults think they need to cut back on strenuous exercises like running as they get older.
Nothing can be further from the truth. You can start running at any age.
The fact is that you will be a healthier person even if you picked up running later in life.
There are people in their 80s that run. Running can be a lifelong sport if you want it to be.
You won’t be a fast marathon runner if you start later in life but you can end up being pretty fast and strong.
It’s better than sitting on the couch, right?
Those who need reasons can look at these to motivate you to start running.
Exercise Is Good
Running is good for muscles, the heart and the brain. It can help fend off depression that sometimes affects older citizens.
It can also help build leg muscles that enable you to do things like get up should you fall, stand up from a chair or get in and out of cars much easier.
It Helps You In Other Sports
Seniors that golf, swim, play tennis or participate in other sports will find that running helps them excel in those sports too.
Running builds endurance and helps control and expand breathing.
All of that makes you more competitive in other activities.
Running Helps Keep You Healthy
Running can help control weight and release critical hormones that make you feel better.
Since it is something you can do your entire life, you always have a way to stay as healthy as possible.
That will help you live a longer, more quality life.
Things to Remember
Older people must approach running differently than someone in their 20s.
You may have a slower start and it may take longer to pick up distance or speed.
Allow yourself some grace in both of those areas.
Be sure to drink plenty of water before and after running.
You may need to take some additional time to stretch before and after too to avoid potential injury.