Oftentimes, one family member likes to run. The others wonder why it’s such a big deal. Some schools may force kids to run as a part of their physical education class or team sport but that isn’t fun. It’s hard to get them or your spouse to join you for even a spring.
There are things you can do to get the entire family out for a run and have them actually enjoy it. Running can be a bonding activity as anyone can do it. Here are some tips for motivating the rest to join you.
Don’t Start With Running
Some cleverness must be in play to get your family to see running as fun. That means don’t start by asking them to run with you. The first step is to get them to run at all. This is particularly true for children.
Start by playing running games in the yard. The old-fashioned like tag, kick-the-can, and kickball work best
because they can have moments of rest between quick sprints. Get your spouse involved too. It’s a fun way to introduce exercise and running without even mentioning it.
Ask For a Walk
This works well for spouses as well as kids. Instead of trying to get them to run, simply ask them if they want to go out for a walk with you. As you are walking, pick up the pace. Rest a minute mid-way through and then challenge them to a short race. Make it about 50 feet or so. They will have so much fun competing with you that they don’t think about running.
Take Them to a Park
Most families love parks and a change of scenery is a good place to run with the family. Be sure to show
everyone how to stretch first and then take a slow pace around a short distance. Match your pace to the
slowest member of the group so they don’t get left behind or discouraged.
Your family just thinks they hate running. Running a few times will give them more energy and enough
contentment that they will likely continue. Once you get them started, you may have running partners for life.