Fitness Running

male athlete performing barbell exercise

Exercise Off the Course That Runners Need

Runners don’t always think about exercise they should do away from running courses.

They like to stretch and then take in a run.

However, doing other types of exercises during the bleaker, winter days can improve your running

Strength Training

Strength training, such as working out with weights or resistance bands, is one of the best exercises you can do when you aren’t running.

Building muscles will help your running routine because you will be able to run longer with stronger muscles.

Exercises that build strength also strengthen bones and can protect you substantially if you ever have a
running injury.

It also helps prevent injuries during running, according to experts.

Weights Can Help You Age Better

Studies indicate that regular strength training will also help you as you age and whenever you decide to stop or reduce your running routine.

It is known to prevent both arthritis and bone loss as people age.

It can also help you move better as you age because strong muscles protect bones and joints.

Having stronger thigh and back muscles will enable you to move more agilely as you get older.


Adding a strength training routine to your week now will keep you fit for running and help you run longer for life.

It wouldn’t hurt to include this training during the winter when you may be tempted to give up running for a cozy house.

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