Fitness Running

4 Secrets to Running in the Heat

If you’re a runner, you know that running in the middle of summer of a sunny day can be brutal. Physical activity at temperatures above 85 put a serious strain on your body. When the mecury rises, you can choose to stay inside and skip your workout, of you can figure out smarter ways to beat the heat (or at least, try to).

1. Start slow

Your body needs time to adjust to the temperature and to what you’re asking it to do. Start with a warm-up and amp up your run slowly – and only if it feels right.

2. Skip the hottest part of the day

Try not to run during midday, which is usually the hottest part of the day. Try going for a run first thing in the morning or later at night as the sun goes down.

3. Consider your clothing

If you’re running in hot weather, you need to dress for it. Wear lighter clothing. Ideally, you’ll wear a lightweight shirt that has UV protection built in and moisture-wicking shorts. Don’t forget to apply a layer of sunscreen, a pair of sunglasses, and maybe a light hat or visor to shade your face.

4. Start off well hydrated

When you’re jogging in high temperatures, your body will sweat more in an effort to cool your core temperatures. As you sweat, you become dehydrated. Before you go out for a run, make sure you’re well hydrated. That doesn’t mean drink a bottle of water right before you run, it means you should be drinking water throughout the day so you’re hydrated when you leave.

Wondering if you should take a bottle of water with you? If you’re more comfortable with water, than yes. Exercise instructors say a bottle of water should be with you if you’re planning to run for an hour or more.

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