Fitness Meditation

female athlete meditating

What Is Mindfulness Meditation?

Mindfulness meditation, in a way, is self-explanatory.

It is having an awareness of the present moment and accepting it for what it is.

One of the aspects of mindfulness meditation is you become more objective about your emotions and thoughts.

You learn to accept them without judgment and less of them pass without a struggle.

Why Is It Good For Anxious Minds?

One of the primary reasons people are stressed is they feel they don’t have control.

If you can’t control your surroundings, you feel out of control.

That causes stress.

Stress causes minds to race.

You think of all the worries you have and all the things you must do to regain control of your life.

Meditation forces you to not think at all.

You learn to focus on only one one thing, your breath.

Learning to clear your mind gives both your mind and body a rest.

You leave your meditation session at peace, with more energy and motivation.

Getting Started with Meditation

There isn’t any special formula to start mindful meditation.

All you need is a quiet, comfortable place to sit for about 15 minutes without any distractions.

It can be your favorite chair or against a pillow on your bed.

Close your eyes and just start focusing on breathing in deeply and out deeply.

That is your only focus.

By focusing on that alone, you force your mind to shut down everything else.

Breathe slowly in and out. Breathe in a rhythm.

Make yourself aware of the rhythm and how slowly you’re breathing.


Meditation isn’t so much mystical as it is to train your mind to be in the present rather than all over the place.

Learning to be focused and deliberate will help you in other areas of your life too.

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