Fitness Meditation

Male and female meditating

Use 10-minute Meditation to Change Your Brain

Meditation is often used to relieve anxiety, reduce stress and offset depression.

It has enormous success in those areas. The amazing thing is you don’t have to spend hours in meditation to enjoy the benefits of it.

All it takes is 10 minutes a day.

Research from the University of Waterloo in Canada shows that just a short time of meditation daily will stop you from focusing on internal negative thoughts and increase your focus.

How Anxiety Affects Daily Life

Anxious people are hurt the most because ongoing off-task thoughts affect their ability to complete tasks, learn, and even safely function.

Popular meditation exercises like mindfulness worked better on women than men.

The Brain Hardwiring

Part of the reason meditation works to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression is it “rewires” your brain over time.

Our brains are hardwired in certain ways but repetitive processes, like negative thoughts, can change the wiring to always flow in that direction.

That makes it challenging to get out of that negative cycle.

Meditation where you think positive thoughts, focus on gratefulness and use other exercises to increase your focus helps you change how you think and what you think about.

Over time, you can effectively change your brain’s wiring to be more positive and less anxious.

Why 10 Minutes Meditations Work

The 10-minute element works because it’s something everyone can do.

Anxious people tend to not be able to sit long but most can work in focus for 10 minutes.

Since it’s not a hard task, they are more apt to do it every day.

Final Thoughts

This is a free way to try to reduce your stress and anxiety that could change how you look at things and deal with problems in the future.

It is a safe brain exercise to try and will likely be one you look forward to every day.

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