Fitness Meditation

Meditation and Business Prowess: How a Calm Mind Leads to a Full Wallet

The western world has been slow to realize what eastern mystics have known for centuries. Calming one’s mind and body through meditation will have many benefits. One such benefit is the ability to focus on the business at hand and be successful. No matter what your field, a clear mind will more likely lead to a full wallet.


One element that meditation offers to your life is the art of discipline. Simply the fact that you are sitting down every day to focus on your breathing is a very disciplined activity. If you can meditate for ten minutes a day, a relatively small task, then you will be able to accomplish bigger disciplined activities. This discipline will bleed into other facets of your life. 


Just like priming the pump in an old fashioned plumbing system, meditation offers you priming, getting your mind optimized for anything. If your mind is clear, so many new ideas can flow through you, and some great ideas can come to fruition.


The art of meditation calls upon focus. You need to focus on your mantra, your breathing, and your posture. In our fast-paced society, we have often lost focus, trying to double-bill and do too many things at once. Paying attention is a lost art. By not paying attention, we lose customers, money, and sometimes even jobs. Meditation offers the kind of laser beam focus that will help you cut a deal, or listen actively, or find success.


Problem solving is often a lost art in this modern world. By slowing down to meditate, you are offering your body a chance to get its creative juices flowing. The best ideas don’t usually come when you are staring at a blank screen, but when you are busy doing something else. By opening the creative channels in your mind, you will be able to find more creative, problem solving ideas. 

Although meditation seems incongruous with business, by slowing down and clearing your mind, you are opening yourself to creative energy, focus, and discipline that will guide you in making stellar business decisions.

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