Fitness Meditation

Man in suit meditating on ground

How to Meditate If You Aren’t Religious

Many people think meditation is where you sit crosslegged on a tile floor in a temple and hum.

That underestimating the meditation practice and reduces it to a ritual.

While meditation can be spiritual, you don’t have to seek a higher power or believe in God to use it for your benefit. 

Meditation can be therapeutic even for a non-believer.

What Is Meditation?

Meditation, in its purest form, is about changing how you think, making yourself aware, and finding peace. That can be done with or without religion.

Meditation can also help reduce stress, body pain and find answers to problems by clearing your head. 

There are different types of meditation and all serve different purposes.

There is mindfulness meditation, focused mediation, movement meditation, mantra meditation, progressive relaxation, loving-kindness meditation, and visualization meditation and all can be done without a spiritual practice. 

A Look at Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is when you pay attention to your thoughts and make notes of patterns to create awareness.

Focused meditation uses your five senses to direct attention to one thing like your breath. 

Movement meditation can include things like yoga but also can include things like gardening and walking through the woods.

Mantra meditation uses a repeated sound to clear your head or build up an element you need, like confidence. 

Progressive relaxation reduces tension and loving-kindness meditation strengthens your acceptance of yourself and others while creating more compassion.

Visualization meditation can help you solve problems by imaging a scene and creating a way out of use using your five senses. 

Why It Is Good

Overall, meditation creates a time for yourself to be quiet and listen to your body and your inner self.

It helps you clear clutter from your mind and that can roll over to your life.

The result is a calmer, more peaceful you. 

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