Fitness Meditation

How Meditation Can Make You More Manly

Often people picture meditation as a decidedly feminine activity: beautiful women sitting around in yoga pants chanting OM together. This could not be further from the truth. The benefits of meditation are rich, and when men take the time to slow down and breathe, the results are astounding. Meditation can help men with business decisions, improve your relationships, create benefits in the gym, and make you healthier.

Testosterone surge

When you are stressed, the cortisol in your brain is enhanced, which leaves little room for testosterone.  When relaxed, testosterone surges through your body. This is great news for those who meditate because it can increase your testosterone levels. Having higher levels of testosterone can help you not only in the  bedroom but in the gym! This is an endless positive cycle because the endorphins gained in the bedroom and the gym will continue to ward off stress.

Increased growth hormone

Speaking of the gym, the increased growth hormone you gain after a gym workout is the same growth hormone that is enhanced when you meditate. People have been looking for this fountain of youth forever, but just 10-15 minutes a day of meditation can stimulate your growth hormone and put you on the road to feeling younger.

Clarity and creativity

Meditation clears your mind and buoys creativity. This helps you to make wiser and more profitable choices in business, as well as to think outside the box. These creative, clear ideas will impact the bottom line of your revenue, and keep your business running in the black.


Meditation also offers concentration. If you can sit and focus on your breathing and posture, this concentration will carry over to the rest of your life. This skill will pay dividends, when you are able to fully focus on a long meeting, a difficult project, or a  partner.

Not only does meditation raise the levels of testosterone and growth hormone in a man’s body, but it also offers clarity, creativity, and focus for the boardroom and the bedroom. Meditation may be off the beaten path or thought of as something women usually do, but the benefits abound for men and their success.

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