Fitness Meditation

Man meditating on chair

How Meditation Can Help You Make a Tough Decision

Do you ever wish you could just have someone make a tough decision for you? Everyone faces difficult decisions at times. The problem with decisions is that you don’t know for sure if they are the right ones. 

Meditation can help with that. 

Getting Ready to Meditate

The first thing to do is to prepare yourself for meditation. Pick a darker, quiet spot where you can relax. You don’t need special clothes or to sit on the floor. Sit in your favorite chair. 

The most important thing is that you aren’t interrupted. Close your eyes. Breath deeply in and out. Concentrate on your breath.

Imagine the Journey

This part requires a little imagination. Imagine yourself walking on a path. Envision it as you like. It should be a setting you enjoy.

Now, imagine a division in the road. It may be a fork or it may be several roads spurring off of the main road. Name each road with a decision option you have facing you. 

After all the roads are named, choose one to walk down. As you proceed, think about how you feel. How comfortable are you walking there? What does it look like?

At some point, choose another road. Do this for every option you have named. One will make you feel happier and more comfortable than the rest. That is the decision you should pursue. 

We always know deep down which route is the best for us. The problem is we either fear the future of it or hate losing what we have. Meditation allows you to see and feel your options.

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