In a new study from a team at the University of Michigan found that neither moderate- or high-intensity exercise benefits depression in women—only men. The researchers looked at sleep patterns and exercise for over 1,100 students at Beijing University in China.
Previous studies on depression
This was somewhat surprising, as various studies have indicated that vigorous exercise could work as a long-term treatment for both men and women because it releases endorphins. In addition, regular levels of exercise helped neurons grow.
In a 2013 Harvard Medical School study on depression and exercise, for example, one researcher said, “In people who are depressed, neuroscientists have noticed that the hippocampus in the brain—the region that helps regulate mood—is smaller. Exercise supports nerve cell growth in the hippocampus, improving nerve cell connections, which helps relieve depression.”
But the new research, which was published in the Journal of American College Health, found that while both sexes showed a correlation between the level of depression and poor sleep, only men seemed to benefit from exercise.
Because more women report depression, it’s vital that more studies are done using women of a variety of ages (not just college students) and ethnicities.
Three hypotheses on why exercise helps
In addition to releasing endorphins, there are three other hypotheses about why exercise may help fight depression.
1. The self-efficacy hypothesis
The general idea is that exercise builds self-esteem by showing you that you can reach your goals and succeed. In addition, it helps break the cycle of rumination (dwelling on bad things).
2. The distraction hypothesis
When you exercise, your attention is pulled away from your problems.
3. The monoamine hypothesis
Exercise may restore certain neurotransmitters (e.g. dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine) that are diminished from depression.
Whatever the reason, it appears that multiple studies now indicate that exercise can definitely benefit men with depression.