CrossFit is a sport with many benefits, physically and mentally.
It requires you to learn multiple disciplines. It means you need to be well-rounded in body movement to ensure you can complete difficult workouts, such as calisthenics, long-distance running, sprints, swimming, and more.
With that being said, you will need to invest in some equipment you can use at home when you are not at the gym.
Having your own set of equipment can prepare you to participate in CrossFit or when you don’t have time to attend CrossFit training at the gym.
Barbells and Barbell Accessories
The first thing you need to prepare for CrossFit is a set of weights, particularly barbells.
When doing CrossFit, you will need to work on your compound lifts, including deadlifts, back squats, snatches, presses, and more.
Plus, you will also need to do the clean and the jerk, too!
Having one of your own would definitely give you an edge when preparing to compete for the CrossFit events.
Aside from the barbell, you will also need accessories, such as CrossFit Barbell safety collars.
Lifting heavy objects is very dangerous without these accessories, so make sure you include them on your list.
Battle Ropes and Jump Ropes
CrossFit Battle Ropes are probably the most fun equipment to use, whether you are preparing for CrossFit or not.
It is a thick rope wrapped around a floor anchor, and it is a versatile exercise device you can use for building your power, strength, and endurance.
To work on your cardio and coordination, training with jump ropes is a must.
Plus, you can use any type of jump rope when training for CrossFit, as long as you can adjust the height to your preference.
When you have CrossFit boxes, which are also known as pylo-boxes, you can practice doing box jumps and more.
These boxes vary in height and material, so make sure you choose a durable box that will not break easily when you jump on and off.