Fitness Crossfit

athlete performing rope exercise

Top 7 CrossFit Resolutions for the New Year

When January arrives, many people start thinking about getting their “beach body” going, and one of the best ways to do this is to do CrossFit on a regular basis. Put a little pep in your WOD (workout of the day) by trying the following resolutions. 

1. Start your CrossFit journey

If you don’t already do CrossFit, START. You will find strength and stamina you never knew you had. With this high-intensity workout that works every muscle of your body, you are also likely to build and tone your muscles. 

2. Raise the bar

If you are already involved in CrossFit, then raise the bar (literally) on your workouts, and see what you can do. Don’t shy away from difficult WODs that you see coming up.

3. Get your pull-up

 Pull-ups are so valuable because they work every muscle of your body. Although it is hard to believe, doing a pull up correctly works your abs as much as a plank. 

4. Go for the Paleo

 As long as you are going to work so hard on your body, spend the same amount of energy on your diet. Lean meats, fruits, vegetables, seeds and beans will help you build the lean muscle you need to perform the workouts. 

5. Try the 5:30 am Class

Instead of worrying about your speed and reps all day, get your day started right by getting your workout out of the way. Exercising in the morning will also set you up for a day of better eating as well. 

6. Work on your weights

Whatever your number is, work to push more weight up and over your head in this new year. 

7. Cut out sugar

Sugar causes inflammation that is counterproductive when you are trying to create muscle and sculpt your body.

No matter if your goals are in the gym or the kitchen, all of these tips will help you sculpt muscle and get the body you desire and deserve.

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