Whether you’re just beginning CrossFit or have been doing it for years, there are essential muscle movements you’ll need to perfect to continue excelling at CrossFit for years to come.
Hip Hinge
Arguably the most important movement to master in any workout program is the hip hinge. The hip hinge movement is key to perfect form in deadlifts, box jumps, power cleans, and snatch lifts. Mastering this movement will allow you to perform heavier lifts and continue progressing in your program. Not focusing on this movement can lead to the lower back taking over during heavy lifts, which can lead to back and spine damage or pain.
The best way to make sure you’re performing the hip hinge movement correctly, is to break it down into two parts.
- Part 1
The first part is difficult for most to learn because most of us are not used to moving hips. We are all taught mostly to bend our knees for most lifts. The easiest way to learn the first part is to face away from a wall and stand about a foot to a foot and a half away from the wall. Your goal is to touch the wall with your butt. Don’t worry about the knees bending, they will naturally bend as your hips go back toward the wall.
- Part 2
The second part of the movement is so easy. Once your butt has touched the wall, you’re going to push forward through your hips. Most mess this part up because they move the upper back first instead of moving the hips only. The hips are big muscles and once they get moving they will move the rest of the muscles into place.
Mastering the hip hinge movement will help continue your progression in Crossfit and will save you from having low back pain in the future.