Fitness Crossfit

Health coach showing client exercise

How to Pick the Right CrossFit Coach

So, you want to start CrossFit training? Picking the right CrossFit coach is one of the most important things you can do.

A coach that doesn’t suit your personality or that can’t work with your current level of ability will hurt your chances of achieving in the program. 

There are four basic things to look for when you are considering a CrossFit coach.

Some are more practical while others are more emotionally based. 

1. Are They Certified?

A professional CrossFit trainer is required to be certified by an accredited organization.

The certificate will show their expertise area. This ensures they can help you meet your goals in that area.

Look for certificates from The American Council on Exercise, The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), and the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM).

You can find a complete list from the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). 

2. How Much Experience Do They Have?

Someone who has a few years of experience is going to be more effective and more helpful than someone just starting as a coach.

This is a particularly important issue if you are older, as an older person may need more time to learn and do the routines.

Having a young, experienced coach probably would end up in a frustrating situation as you couldn’t meet their goals and they couldn’t understand why. 

Overall, look for a coach that knows how to deal with your current fitness level and can tailor a program to fit your level, your health conditions, and your age. 

3. Do They Have Recommendations?

You should always check out what other clients think of a coach before signing up.

This is a good way to understand a coach’s methods, personality, and effectiveness.

Also, be sure to inquire how much improvement previous clients made in their physical fitness goals. 

4. Does Their Personality Fit?

Beyond the obvious things like certifications and experience, picking the right coach also includes making sure their personality suits yours.

After all, you will not get much enjoyment out of CrossFit if you hate going because of a personality clash.

You want to be motivated so the personalities must fit. 

Finding the right CrossFit coach takes some research and thought but will pay off over time.

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