The world of CrossFit can seem like an entirely different world for those that are not a part of it, but if you harbor any interest in becoming a CrossFitter and improving your health, there is no reason to fear the unknown in what many perceive to be an intimidating environment.
Once you have been thoroughly indoctrinated, you will see that the CrossFit experience is immensely rewarding and a supportive community.
CrossFit in the Media
One of the biggest reasons why people are fearful of trying CrossFit is because of how it is perceived via the media.
There are a myriad of social media networks that broadcast CrossFitters’ performance goals and serve as inspirational guides for many people. If you are self-conscious, however, these tools could actually be detrimental and cause you to question your own confidence in getting fit.
There is no question that CrossFit is a global phenomenon as it is relatively new, but the truth is that the benefits far outweigh the negative commentary and it can be a game-changer for people of all ages, genders, weights, and abilities.
Taking the CrossFit Plunge
There are many tips that can help overcome the intimidation factors associated with CrossFit.
One of the first is to sign up for an introductory class to get over your nerves and see people live in the flesh from the community.
Many people that have chosen this approach love how they are gradually eased into the workouts and gain insightful tips from those that have taken the leap.
Once you have decided to sign up for a class, give CrossFit a month and then reassess how you feel about it.
Thirty days is enough time to see what works for you, how comfortable you are with the routine, and whether or not it is ultimately for you.
Of course, getting in shape is not going to be easy, but over time, you can overcome your biggest fears and get committed to CrossFit and changing your lifestyle.