Fitness Crossfit

CrossFit and the Importance of Sweating

Are you one of those guys that sweat all over the equipment at the gym? Sweat rates vary between individual men and take into account your clothing, genetics, and even the temperature of the exercise area. Your body sweats during workouts as chemical energy is changed into work energy. Sweat helps maintain your body temperature around 98.6°F. It pays to know about sweat as you exercise. 

Estimate Your Sweat Rate

A study published in Sport magazine in 2020, determined:Data from the current study indicate athletes and adults engaging in exercise underestimate sweat losses by around 40–50%.” 

To know how much water you should be drinking when working out and to make sure your sweating falls within a normal range you can calculate your sweat rate. Check out this sweat rate guide. 

Excessive Sweat

Do your hands sweat so much they drip? Are you sweating through your workout clothes but you weren’t overly exerting yourself? Excessive sweating during your workout doesn’t mean you have a medical condition, but it is something that you want to ask your medical provider about. Hyperhidrosis is the medical condition for excessive sweating. There are treatments such as antiperspirants, medications, or therapies that will slow the sweating or stop it altogether. 

Stay Hydrated While Exercising

To keep hydrated, you can easily rely on plain water.  But you can lose electrolytes from prolonged sweating. If water doesn’t seem to be the drink for your thirst and needs, try sports drinks, chocolate milk, or coconut water.

Fatigue From Dehydration

Fatigue occurs when a person is not drinking enough water. Your heart needs to work harder and it causes you to run out of steam faster. Start drinking water before you work out and try to drink water during your whole workout. 

Knowing about your regular sweat production can help you if things change in the future. 

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