Older people don’t jump quickly onto new trends but now that CrossFit has been around for a while, some
senior citizens are asking if it’s too late for them to get in on it.
The answer is it’s not too late and you aren’t too old. You can start CrossFit at any age but there are some things to pay special attention to if you are older.
Why Older Citizens Like It
CrossFit is trending with the silver set for a couple of reasons. Many are looking to stay healthy longer, keep movability and flexibility up, and want to be able to live independently for as long as possible.
CrossFit uses movements most used daily to target these important areas such as endurance, balance, strength, coordination and flexibility.
Can An Older Person Handle the Workout?
CrossFit WODs (workout of the day) are challenging and include several different types of movements from rowing to gymnastics. However, they can be adapted to fit someone of any fitness level or age.
How Do I Make It Safe?
A possibility of injury exists with any exercise but there are some things you can do to make CrossFit training as safe as possible. That includes:
Find a CrossFit Masters Program.
These are designed for those over 40 years old. Coaches are trained how to scale workout activity for different abilities and are also trained in age-related risks.
Talk to the coach one-on-one before you join.
Ask questions. Express concerns. The best way to overcome any fear over joining is to get all the information upfront.
Be vocal about your limits and stick with your customized goals.
Your coach will help you create your goals that are suited for your health and abilities. Don’t try to push yourself to do the same levels as younger people.
Final Thoughts
Senior citizens can enjoy CrossFit and will find it can help them function better in their daily lives. It’s an
extremely social activity so they can make some new friends too.