Fitness Crossfit

woman and man doing crossfit

5 Expert CrossFit Training Tips You Need to Know

CrossFit is an intense exercise, but before you start getting into it, you might want to learn a few things first.

Whether you have started doing CrossFit or just thinking about taking on this intense exercise to get stronger or to lose weight, you have to know there is a chance of getting injured.

This article is not to scare you or discourage you from doing CrossFit. Instead, it is just to let you know how to avoid CrossFit injuries and have a smooth journey to being healthier and stronger.

Here are 5 expert CrossFit training tips you need to know:

1. Start with an effective nutrition plan

Aside from avoiding CrossFit injuries, you must also plan your meals on or before game day. Plus, eating the proper meals before this intense training exercise can also reduce the risks of injury and help replenish the glycogen stored in your muscles. Make sure you eat three solid meals of high-quality food.

2. Get enough sleep

Another reason that increases the chances of injury when doing CrossFit is not getting enough sleep. Make sure you get enough rest on top of the solid meals. And if that is not enough advice, here is one more– stay hydrated.

3. Consume easily digested food

The mental stress that CrossFit can cause can slow your digestion, which is why it is important to eat food that can easily be digested, such as oats, white rice, rice cakes, and mashed sweet potatoes.

4. Don’t kip unless you can do a full pull up

If you cannot do a full pull-up yet, it is essential not to go beyond your limits and try kipping. In CrossFit, to kip is to swing your body upwards when doing pull-ups. If you are not strong enough to support your full-body weight yet, do not attempt it to avoid getting injured.

5. Don’t move up until you perfected the form

When lifting weights, make sure you already perfected the form with the previous weight until you move up to avoid straining your bones and muscles.

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