Many people are interested in CrossFit training because they have heard of all the benefits. It helps strengthen, stretch and pump every part of your body and that can have positive long-lasting effects.
However, some aspects of CrossFit training take people by surprise.
1. You won’t get it right away.
Some gyms have intro classes for those interested in CrossFit training before they jump into a regular class. Even then, you may not feel like you are truly competent in it for several months or even a year.
Hang in there. You’ll get it.
2. You will need more time for rest than you expected.
Many expect CrossFit training will make them stronger with better endurance. It does, but not right away. In between now and then, your body is working hard and your muscles are repairing themselves between workouts. All of that requires rest.
3. You will need to eat more, not less.
Most people start CrossFit exercise to burn calories and lose weight. That leads them to reduce what they eat. That is a bad decision because your body needs more calories to function during intense workouts.
4. Stay away from Paleo diets.
The basis of the Paleo diet is good as it focuses on lean protein, vegetables, and “good fats.” However, most say it is the worst diet you can be on when you are in CrossFit training. Plus, Paleo cuts out all carbohydrates and carbs are essential to produce energy during the intense exercise that CrossFit demands.
CrossFit is a great way to train but anyone who tries it should be aware of the proper diet and expectations that can affect your training. Pushing yourself too hard, having unrealistic expectations, and not fueling your body will affect your mood and motivation too.