
5 Great Leg Exercises

<>Looking to add some leg exercises to your workout routine? Try these moves to improve the muscle in your quads, hamstrings, and glutes.

Walking lunge

Instead of standing still to do lunges, try stepping forward with each lunge and dropping the trailing leg’s knee almost all the way to the ground. It decreases the stress forces and trains the glutes better. Use weights in each hand and keep your chest upright and your shoulders back.

Kettlebell swing

If you want to work your triple extension from the knees, hips and a little at the ankles. Start like you’re about to do the broad jump. Stand with your feet apart, slightly wider than your shoulders. Put the kettlebell in front of you, bend at the knees, look directly at the ground and use both hands to pick up the kettlebell. Hike the kettle ball back between your legs and then swing it forward while you stand up straight. Squeeze your glutes and bring the kettlebell up to eye level.

The Romanian deadlift

Use this exercise to grow your glutes and your hamstrings. Start in the same position where a traditional deadlift leaves off. Put your feet shoulder-width apart and keep your knees soft while you squeeze your back and glutes and lift the bar to your upper thighs. To do the reps, start lowering the bar while you push your butt back and glide the bars down your thighs. Keep your eyes a little bit in front of you on the floor. Don’t look straight into the mirror while you lower the bar.

Hill sprints

Sprint for 20 seconds at a time up an outdoor hill or on your inclined treadmill to work your quads and glutes. Take good rest between sprints.

Step ups

Maintain good form to work your hips, glutes, and knees by keeping your glutes tight and your knees turned out.

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