
Man doing sit-ups in gym

3 Exercises for Prostate Fitness

Daily exercise is good for your heart and overall physical health. Doctors now encourage regular exercise to keep your prostate healthy. Inactivity and extra weight can lead to cancer. Men who exercise several times a week or work physically demanding jobs have an advantage and a lower risk of prostate cancer. 

Daily Kegels

Pay attention to your pelvic floor muscles by learning how to do Kegels. You should do three sets of 10 Kegels exercises every day and work up to 20. 

How-to Steps:

  • Lay on your back on the floor with your knees bent  
  • Think about the muscles you use to stop your urine
  • Squeeze those muscles in your pelvic floor
  • Hold anywhere from 5 to 10 seconds
  • Relax your muscles

Endurance exercises

Choose an exercise that you enjoy that will get your oxygen flowing. Swimming is a great choice as are tennis, walking, and biking (use a gel seat).  These exercises blast away calories and as a side benefit, improve your heart health. Golf, basketball, gardening, and walking the stairs can contribute to over health and weight loss. Add one of the endurance exercises three times a week for 90 minutes to your schedule. 

Yoga poses

Yoga is known to strengthen muscles and bones, develop flexibility and promote overall wellness. Yoga reduces your stress and can increase weight loss, all benefiting your prostate. Have a go at the Cobbler’s Pose for a start. Remember to breathe! 

How-to Steps:

  • Sit on the floor with legs extended in the front of you
  • Bend your knees and place the soles of your feet together
  • Hold your feet together with your hands
  • Lower your knees to the floor
  • Hold this pose for a few minutes
  • Walk your hands out in front of your legs

Find the exercises you enjoy and boost your prostate resilience today. 

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