Sensations in your legs, throbbing or twitching that begins when you start to rest in the evening may be symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome. You might find some relief after you walk or jiggle your legs for some time, but if these problems are keeping you up all night, it is time to find out … Continue reading Not Getting Enough Sleep? Restless Leg Syndrome Could Be to Blame
Category Archives: Sleep
Top Sleep Issues Unique to Men
Let’s face it. A great night of sleep changes everything. When you get 8 hours of sleep, you have more focus, more stamina, more creativity, more resilience. Sleep makes you a more patient family member and a more astute business person. But there are several sleep issues that stand in the way of this for … Continue reading Top Sleep Issues Unique to Men
How Much Sleep Do Men Really Need?
Men are often portrayed as macho characters who do not need much sleep, but if the truth were known, they need a lot. Life tends to get in the way, with stressful jobs and changes like marriage, new babies, and divorces. Elderly parents and other commitments take time away, and sleep is the one thing … Continue reading How Much Sleep Do Men Really Need?
Top 4 Reasons Men Don’t Get Enough Sleep
Sleep is the magical elixir that everyone needs and no one seems to get enough of. With work schedules, family time, and trying to fit in time to work out, enjoy a hobby, or hang out with a friend, sleep is the most likely candidate to get pushed aside. Most adult men do not get … Continue reading Top 4 Reasons Men Don’t Get Enough Sleep
6 Things Men Don’t Know About Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a potentially fatal disease that affects men more than women, and is often triggered by obesity. Sleep apnea occurs when a man stops breathing while he sleeps. This can happen dozens of times a night, and certainly affects the quality of a man’s waking hours. Men end up like zombies who have … Continue reading 6 Things Men Don’t Know About Sleep Apnea
How Exercising Can Improve Sleep
Do you have trouble going to sleep at night? You’re not the only one. According to the American Sleep Apnea Association, over 70% of American adults have insufficient sleep at least 1 night a month, while 11% say they have insufficient sleep every night. That is 231 million people being affected 1 night a month … Continue reading How Exercising Can Improve Sleep
Is Your Brain a Little Foggy? Lack of Sleep Could Be To Blame
You’re sitting at your office desk sipping coffee when your watch alarm buzzes. Where did the hour go? You grimace as you realize an angry boss is in your future. How did you forget to complete the one contract the boss needs? Brain fog may be the sneaky culprit. Brain fog defined “People who experience … Continue reading Is Your Brain a Little Foggy? Lack of Sleep Could Be To Blame
How Men and Women Sleep Differently
Ah, sleep. For some, it’s a challenge. But what could your gender have to do with your ability to get good ZZZs? Turns out, a lot. According to the National Sleep Foundation, men and women have very different sleeping rhythms. We all have different sleep rhythms called circadian rhythms. This helps you naturally know when … Continue reading How Men and Women Sleep Differently
CBD and Sleep: What You Should Know
Having trouble getting to sleep? You’re not alone. About 30% of Americans say they’re having difficulty falling asleep. Experts say the number is likely low right now as the world battles a pandemic that has created uncertainties for many. If you’re searching for an answer, you may have heard about CBD products and their ability … Continue reading CBD and Sleep: What You Should Know
Study: Happiness Is Tied to Sleep
A bad night of sleep makes you irritable, cranky, and short-tempered. We all know this. But, a new study shows that lack of sleep actually takes joy out of your life. Lack of sleep and happiness When a person doesn’t get enough sleep, things that should bring them joy – like spending time with their … Continue reading Study: Happiness Is Tied to Sleep