We’ve seen a lot of grim headlines come from the pandemic that’s sweeping through the nation, but we’ve also read amazing stories of recovery. One Utah woman has such a story. Experts say people with underlying health conditions are at a higher risk of death if they contract COVID-19. But one woman beat the odds. … Continue reading A Woman With Diabetes, Asthma, and MS beat COVID
Category Archives: Diabetes
The Strange and Little-Known Uses of Pickle Juice
Although pickle juice—which contains cucumbers, salt, water and sometimes, vinegar—is high in sodium, it may offer several health benefits. From fighting muscle and menstrual cramps to controlling blood sugar, here are some of the anecdotal claims. Sunburns Although there is no scientific research investigating the effectiveness, some people use pickle juice to soothe sunburns by … Continue reading The Strange and Little-Known Uses of Pickle Juice
Friend or Foe: A Diabetics Study Guide To Healthy Eating
Diabetics have to be selective when it comes to diet. The “friends” in this study guide are recommended for any diabetics’ diet and the “foes” are not entirely off-limits but they should be used in moderation. Drinks Read the labels and watch what you are choosing to put into your body. The risk-reward may not … Continue reading Friend or Foe: A Diabetics Study Guide To Healthy Eating
4 Crucial Wound Care Tips for Diabetics
People with diabetes tend to have a slower healing process. The body’s inability to metabolize glucose creates a high blood sugar, which messes with the body’s healing process. As a result, even small scratches and cuts must be attended to quickly to prevent complications. If you’re diabetic, here are some tips to help you treat … Continue reading 4 Crucial Wound Care Tips for Diabetics
Why Do Wounds Take So Long To Heal for Diabetics?
If you’re diabetic, your doctor has likely warned you about your slow healing process. A small cut may take a while to heal, and because your healing time is longer, you’re more likely to have problems. To make sure people with diabetes are taking care of any cut, scratch, or wound, this information should help. … Continue reading Why Do Wounds Take So Long To Heal for Diabetics?
Diabetes and COVID: What You Should Know
The pandemic that’s sweeping across the nation has many people with underlying health conditions – like diabetes – concerned about contracting the virus. To help diabetics understand the virus and how it impacts them, the American Diabetes Association put together a list of frequently asked questions. Are people with diabetes more likely to get COVID-19? … Continue reading Diabetes and COVID: What You Should Know
Gut Bacteria Appears to Trigger Type 2 Diabetes
New research out of Canada has found that there appears to be a link between gut bacteria and type 2 diabetes. Although the findings were tentative, the team was granted $2 million to further understand the link between gut bacteria, diabetes and obesity. The research Samples of abdominal fat deposits and the liver were taken … Continue reading Gut Bacteria Appears to Trigger Type 2 Diabetes
Stem Cells Have Cured Type 1 Diabetes in Mice
Scientists recently cured type 1 diabetes in mice using a technique that turns human stem cells into insulin-producing beta cells so fast that it creates a “rapid cure” for 9 months. Created unwanted cells Although previous research allowed experts to create these insulin-producing cells, they were not effective to cure type 1 diabetes for a … Continue reading Stem Cells Have Cured Type 1 Diabetes in Mice
Mixing Artificial Sweeteners and Carbs May Affect Insulin Sensitivity
There’s new research indicating that mixing carbs and artificial sweeteners can alter your sensitivity to sweet tastes, possibly impacting insulin sensitivity. Understanding taste Taste doesn’t just allow us to enjoy food and drinks, it plays a role in maintaining our health. When we taste something sweet, it allows our bodies to release insulin into the … Continue reading Mixing Artificial Sweeteners and Carbs May Affect Insulin Sensitivity
8 Early Symptoms of Diabetes
As much as no one likes to get a diabetes diagnosis, catching the symptoms early can help reduce your risk of developing severe complications. If you or someone you love is experiencing any of the following signs, it’s worth making an appointment with your physician in hopes of reversing or minimizing the damage from diabetes. … Continue reading 8 Early Symptoms of Diabetes