Weight Loss

Category Archives: Weight Loss

Meal Plans

As many veterans know, it’s not always easy to control what we put in our bodies. A high-speed operational tempo can sometimes lead to skipped meals and growling stomachs. This, coupled with rigorous exercise can lead to much active duty personnel and post-service veterans feeling weak, or fatigued. Constant, long-lasting exhaustion leads to basic mistakes … Continue reading Meal Plans

Body Fat Percentage

Tomorrow I am going to check my body fat percentage at a health clinic so what’s better than to give you some information that I have researched on it. I have gotten my body fat percentage before and it was around 21%. At first, I was disappointed, but then I realized the huge difference between … Continue reading Body Fat Percentage

Protein PACKED Pancakes

Today it’s NATIONAL PANCAKE DAY! No way! We decided to give you 4 insanely (and we mean insanely) easy protein pancake recipes that taste amazing and are guilt free! I personally don’t just eat pancakes for breakfast, sometimes I make them for lunch or dinner too! Or even after a workout, I’ll make one or … Continue reading Protein PACKED Pancakes

Can You Reduce Obesity With Flaxseed Fiber?

Most medical experts agree that flaxseed can help manage cholesterol and fight inflammation, a new study suggests it may also help reduce obesity. Flaxseed’s effects on the gut Researchers from Sweden’s University of Gothenburg and Denmark’s University of Copenhagen conducted a study to determine if flaxseed could positively impact obesity and metabolic health. The researchers … Continue reading Can You Reduce Obesity With Flaxseed Fiber?

A Simple Way to Combat Cravings

There’s new evidence that unhealthy food cravings can be crushed in as few as two minutes with one simple trick. How the duration of a scent affects cravings University of South Florida researchers did some experiments to determine how the ambient scent of certain foods might impact someone’s decision to eat or purchase healthy or … Continue reading A Simple Way to Combat Cravings