Weight Loss

Category Archives: Weight Loss

My favorite LOW SUGAR juice recipe!

Mark DelanoHi all, I ‘m Mark Delano a full-time writer and editor for HealthyMale.com. I post about products and treatments that work for me. View My Profile  |  View All My Posts www.healthymale.com/squad/author/squad/

Chia Seeds and Weight Loss

Can chia seeds—which are considered a superfood—really help with weight loss? Although some research has indicated that they might, the results weren’t necessarily significant in terms of weight loss. Two studies on weight loss In a 2014 study, 26 people were split into two groups. One group ate a placebo and one group consumed 35 … Continue reading Chia Seeds and Weight Loss

3 Benefits of Daily Pushups

There are plenty of benefits to be gained from adding pushups to your daily routine besides looking buff. Whether you’re doing standard pushups, a wide version, narrow version or backwards pushups, incorporating the exercise into your daily routine can help your body in a number of ways. Strength and muscle tone Perhaps the most obvious … Continue reading 3 Benefits of Daily Pushups