Selecting an appropriate suit that fits you well and the style for the occasion can be a headache, especially if you are preparing for a summer gathering. Sweating is something you need to consider because it can ruin your look. It will be difficult to choose the best suit if you have no idea what … Continue reading The Best Suits for Guys who Easily Sweat
Category Archives: Lifestyle
3 Ways to Save Money on Mens Clothes
Men want to dress fashionably and some worry about the cost of being up-to-date in their closet. It doesn’t have to be an expensive venture if you plan out your purchases correctly. Smart men can save money on clothes by educating themselves on clothes, creating a clothing purchase list and then only buying what you … Continue reading 3 Ways to Save Money on Mens Clothes
3 Steps to Date for True Love
People will do a lot of things to find true love. The problem is they want it to happen easily but love, real love, can take some work to get and even more to keep. Most people are their own worst enemy when it comes to finding love but there are three things you can … Continue reading 3 Steps to Date for True Love
5 Notable Street Style Trends for Men
If you are tired of your wardrobe and looking to change your style, streetwear and street style are fashionable trends that guys could get into. There are endless possibilities with these 5 new street style trends we’re about to show you. Studies show that dressing up can boost your self-perception. And by upgrading your style, … Continue reading 5 Notable Street Style Trends for Men
5 Witty Ways to Ask Someone Out
If you are one of the 51% of Americans who are still single under 34, maybe it’s time to step up your game and ask someone out. More and more Americans are meeting online, and that is a good thing. However, some people prefer to meet the old-fashioned way. If you are one of those … Continue reading 5 Witty Ways to Ask Someone Out
5 Best Bumble Responses for Men
Bumble is a unique online dating app, where females will be the first to make the move. However, not all matches open up with a witty one-liner and finding the right response that will spark the conversation can be challenging if you are a guy. With more American couples meeting online, now is your chance … Continue reading 5 Best Bumble Responses for Men
What is Neo-Prep Fashion?
Prep fashion has been around for centuries, and it is starting to make a comeback. Although fashion trends will inevitably make a comeback whether you like it or not, there is always something different as they evolve. Prep, or college Ivy League fashion, has been around for a while. It is a classic style or … Continue reading What is Neo-Prep Fashion?
Men’s Fashion
Men have some fashion challenges once they become dads. They want to dress the part but don’t want to dress like their father. So what should a young dad wear? There are plenty of styles to choose from that keep you looking good while creating a respectable look for a family man. There are four … Continue reading Men’s Fashion
Avoiding the Crazy in Dating
People who are dating are meeting a variety of people. It’s challenging to figure out who is being honest and who is someone you should avoid. It becomes more problematic when people are good at hiding issues. Even with that, there are red flags to let you know the person you are dating has mental … Continue reading Avoiding the Crazy in Dating
The Pros and Cons of Using Dating Apps
Dating apps may be all the rage these days, but it has their fair share of advantages and disadvantages. However, this is also true in dating in real life or when meeting someone new in person. With that being said, it is up to you how you handle online dating. But before you dive in, … Continue reading The Pros and Cons of Using Dating Apps