
Category Archives: Lifestyle

5 Signs You are Being Catfished

Have you finally met your perfect woman online or are you just being catfished? The lady you’ve been dating via the internet for months but have never met in person could actually be a troll looking to scam you out of money, a married woman (or man) or even an ex trying to get information or lead you on in order to hurt you.

Men’s Fashion at the Oscars

When the Oscars were handed out in February, it’s likely that just as many people were watching for the fashion as the awards. And while women’s fashion tends to get more attention, this year certainly helped shine the spotlight on what men were wearing. Here are some of the highlights from the men’s fashion choices … Continue reading Men’s Fashion at the Oscars

The Negative Effects of New Love

New love can leave you feeling like you’re on top of the world. For the most part, the physical effects of a relationship are good. The neurophysiological benefits can include lowered blood pressure, decreased stress, pain relief and even improved cardiovascular health. But being “lovesick” can also bring with it some negative effects on the … Continue reading The Negative Effects of New Love